Honeywood Museum

Once again Hello helped to make Sutton heritage house, Honeywood Museum,  festive with decorations made during our arts and crafts sessions on Thursday afternoons.
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Hello Club Christmas Party 2023

Members of the Hello Club enjoyed their Christmas Party today, Wednesday December 13th. They were brilliantly entertained by saxophonist, Kit Packham, who played Christmas songs and many other  favourites. The leader of Sutton Council, Cllr, Ruth Dombey, and Sutton South councillors Trish Fivey, Richard Clifton and Louise  Phelan, (deputy Mayor, ) also joined in the fun. The local police team and other friends added to the Christmas Spirit. Hello’s raffle raised over £200 for Sutton Home Start, a local charity offering help to families needing support in those difficult early years.
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Why arts and crafts?

Taking part in arts and crafts activities has lots of benefits. Self-Expression and Creativity: Arts and crafts are great for self-expression. Engaging in creative activities encourages a sense of individuality and allows people to explore and express their innermost feelings. Keeping the brain active Taking part in arts and crafts helps problem-solving, critical thinking, and spatial awareness. It encourages individuals to think outside the box and find innovative solutions to challenges. Stress Reduction and Relaxation: Engaging in artistic activities has been shown to reduce stress and promote relaxation, providing an escape from the demands and pressures of daily life. Therapeutic…
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Why chair-based exercises?

Why chair-based exercises?

Chair-based exercises offers a valuable and accessible means of promoting physical activity, especially for individuals with mobility challenges or limited fitness levels. By using exercises that can be performed while seated, this approach enhances strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health, contributing to overall well-being. It provides an inclusive option for people of varying fitness abilities, making exercise more attainable and enjoyable for a wide range of people. Our sessions at Hello are friendly and fun with a great teacher and good music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJgZygWBKaE
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